Good Nite Lite–get yours now!

So I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she mentioned that she had read an interesting article in this month’s Entrepreneur Magazine.  I am not really the business-minded type of girl… I usually go straight for US Weekly or Star News, but I decided to give it a read since she said the article was about Pluto (or kid-related).  So as I went grocery shopping, I browsed through the magazine section until I found it.  In bright, bold, yellow letters, it said, “Launch a Business Anywhere, Make Money Everywhere.”  Pretty typical eye-catching title to a business magazine huh?  Anyway, I flipped through the pages, until I found the article that my friend had mentioned to me.  It was about the creator of Good Nite Lite, Adam Nelson, actually won emerging Entrepreneur of 2011.  After reading the first sentence, ”For as long as parents have been having children, they’ve been trying to get their kids to go to sleep” I knew I HAD to blog about this product for all my readers!

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